Student  Creativity Program (PKM) is an activity hosted by the Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia in facilitating the potential of Indonesian students to study, develop, and apply science and technology that had learned in lectures to the general public. The activities of the Student Creativity Program (PKM) were carried out for a few months that have been implemented since January 2021. The number of proposals IPB gets in on the SIM PKM is as much as 1220 proposals from 10 PKM. The tenth PKM includes Scientific Articles (PKM-AI), Written Ideas (PKM-GT), Karsa Cipta (PKM-KC), Innovative Work (PKM-KI), The Application of Science and Technology (PKM-PI), The Idea of Futuristic and Constructive (PKM-GFK), Entrepreneurship (PKM-K), Research Science (PKM-RE), Community Service (PKM-PM), and Social Research in the Humanities (PKM-RSH).

From the 1220 proposal PKM IPB entrance, nine groups from the Department of Forest Management (MNH), Faculty of Forestry and Environment IPB were passed funded by DIKTI. Nine of the group consists of four generations: MNH54, MNH55, MNH56, and MNH57. They were: 1) the group which is chaired by Shyfa Syalsyabila (MNH 55) by PKM-AI titled “Social Capital and the Potential Development of the Results of the Mangrove Forest As a Natural Dye Fabric Typical of Indonesia”, then there were four groups of PKM-PM which is 2) chaired by Etrin Herabadi Sanjaya (MNH 55) with the title “New Era of Skills: Creating Young Entrepreneurs Zilenial in Order to Decrease the Number of Unemployed Vocational School Students”, 3) Nurafni Natasya (MNH 55) with the title of “Empowerment housewife On Home Vegetative Ornamental Plants in Order to Improve the Welfare of the Village Community Sipungguk, Kampar regency, Riau”, 4) the Imam Mujaddid (MNH 55) with the title “Play to Learn with Observation Method: Learning Effective When the Pandemic of Covid-19 On Students in Elementary School”, and 5) Censa Amelia Febriyanti (MNH 57) with the title “Strengthening the Character, Culture, Intellectual For Kids Correctional institution in Coaching Institute Special Anak Bandung to Create Entrepreneurial Zilenial Pengentas Poverty”.

The next group of PKM-K was chaired by Naifa Sa’diyya (MNH 56) with the title “ “PouCa” Product Innovation Cookies and Hand Sanitizer Sapodilla Butter (Poutearia Campechiana) in the Era of the New Normal”. The next was Christian Adi Prabowo (MNH 55) who is the chairman of the group PKM-PI entitled “the Development of the Agribusiness System of Honey Based on Local Wisdom In Bee Farmer Village Joho”. The last two groups PKM-RSH were chaired by Yuda Solar Prakoso (MNH 55) with the title “the Phenomenon of “Mandatory Mask” in The Pandemic Covid-19 and its Influence On the Level of Anxiety” and the group of Muhammad Sabilal (MNH 54) which is where the title of the PKM his “Legal Protection of Wildlife is Protected Confiscated The Illegal Trade in foreign Affairs”.

The 8 groups of 5 types of PKM proceed to the next stage, namely PIMNAS. Hopefully, the seventh such group can be passed to PIMNAS and get the knowledge as well as learning about the science that has been established in the university.


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