Undergraduate Program

Bachelor of Science Degree Program 


Forest Management

Degree program of Bachelor Science (undergraduate program) in Forest Management has been offered since 1999/2000, which previously was one of three specialization subjects of Bachelor Science in Forestry at Faculty of Forestry of IPB-University. The degree program of Bachelor Science in Forestry itself had been offered since IPB-University was established in 1963.

Degree program of Bachelor Science in Forest Management was  accredited A-grade (excellent) by Indonesia-National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN PT) since 2000, and then continuing receive A-grade accreditation in 2011, and 2016.

Learning objectives:

  1. Entry level professional foresters who are able to apply and integrate basic natural sciences, social, economics, and policy sciences; quantitative and qualitative methods; forest techniques and sciences, which are needed for planning, organizing, governing and evaluating ecosystem-based forest management, and to produce graduates who are able:
  2. to continue more advance education, to do researches,
  3. to be public administrator of forestry and
  4. to be activists in development and advocacy NGOs
  5. to work for other professions related to forest management and forestry.

Learning outcomes:

  1. Explain concepts and theories of forest management in general by using concepts and theories of biology, mathematics physic, ecology, silvic, wildlife behavior, forest-watershed hydrology, forest resources planning and utilization, socio-economics, policy and institution, and formulate procedural solving problems in forest management.
  2. Analyze forest management problems by using integrative approach of science and knowledge of biology, physic, hydrology, forest ecology, wildlife and socio-economy-politic.
  3. Analyze forest management problems and formulate alternatives solutions quantitatively by applying mathematics, linear programming, and statistic.
  4. Write and speaks to explain complexity and tradeoffs in forest management.
  5. Apply sciences, knowledge, technology and technics of forest measurement, geomatics, silviculture, forest-watershed hydrology, forest resources economic, utilization, and forestry policy to develop forest and to evaluate forest resources.
  6. Choose and decide the appropriate-effective models and technics to formulate and evaluate forest management plans to generate benefits of forest products and benefits at a landscape scale.
  7. Responsible for individual jobs and team/organization works.
  8. Discipline and behave in accordance to applicable norms and rule-regulations.


Courses Structure:

Syllabus or Course Design can been seen by clicking the Course Codes on Table.

NoCourse CodeCourse NameCourse CSU
1st Semester19 CSU
3IPB107Introduction to Agriculture2(2-0)
4MAT100Introduction to Mathematics3(2-2)
7EKO100General Economics3(2-3)
2nd Semester19 CSU
8IPB111Pancasila (Basic Indonesian Ideology)2(1-2)
10IPB112Sport and Art*)1(0-3)
13KPM130General Sociology3(2-2)
14AGB100Introduction to Entrepreneurship1(1-0)
15KSH201Bio-resources Conservation2(2-0)
16MNH201Introduction to Forestry Science and Environmental Ethic2(2-0)
3rd Semester20 CSU
17STK211Statistical Methods3(2-3)
19TSL203Introduction to Soil Science3(3-0)
21KPM210Basic Communication3(2-3)
22MNH211Geodesy and Cartography3(2-3)
23MNH291Scientific Writing Methods2(1-2)
4th Semester21 CSU
24MAN101Introduction to Management3(3-0)
25SVK212Forest Ecology3(2-3)
26SVK232Forest Protection3(2-3)
27HHT201Forest Products as Raw Materials2(2-0)
28HHT202Forest Product Processing2(2-0)
29MNH212Forest Resource Inventory3(2-3)
30MNH322Forestry Policy and Legislation2(2-0)
31FHT200Field Forestry Practices3
5th Semester18 CSU
33MNH313Forest Resources Inventory Techniques3(2-3)
34MNH341Forest Hydrology3(2-3)
35MNH316Forest Biometrics3(2-3)
36MNH323Community Forestry3(2-3)
37MNH331Forest Harvesting3(2-3)
38Elective Lectures**
6th Semester22 CSU
39MNH315Remote Sensing and GIS for Forestry3(2-3)
40MNH327Forest Management Economics3(3-0)
41MNH324Forestry Business2(2-0)
42MNH325Private Forest Management2(2-0)
43MNH332Forest Opening3(2-3)
44MNH317Integrated Watershed Management3(2-3)
45MNH314Forest Management3(2-3)
46MNH403Thematic Field Work3
7th Semester11 CSU
47MNH425Forest Valuation3(2-3)
48MNH426Forestry Policy Analysis2(2-0)
49MNH433Forest Utilization Operation3(2-3)
50MNH434Forest Management Cost Analysis3(2-3)
51Elective Lectures**
8th Semester7 CSU

Notes:  *) CSU is not considered for GPA

**) Elective/supporting courses are chosen to fulfill the minimum CSU requirement (144 CSU)

Course codes MNHxxx: compulsory courses for student of BSc Program in Forest Management and called as Major Courses of BSc in Forest Management; HHTxxx, KSHxxx, and SVKxxx: compulsory courses not only for student of BSc Program in Forest Management, but also for Student of BSc Program of Faculty of Forestry and those are called as Inter-department Courses; Others Course Codes: compulsory Basic and General Courses for student of Program of BSc in Forest Management.


Elective Courses

1.MNH221Forestry Tenure2(2-0)
2.MNH429Forestry Accounting3(2-3)
3.MNH333Forest Ergonomics3(2-3)
4.MNH428Forestry Investment Analysis3(2-3)
5.MNH418Forest Planning3(2-3)
6.MNH419Basic Modelling for Forestry and Landscape3(2-3)
8.SVK333Forestry Pest3(2-3)
9.SVK335Forest Fire3(2-3)
10.SVK323Sylviculture for Natural Forest3(2-3)
11.Other lectures related to forest management offered by other Departments

Note:    CSU of 3(2-3) means, the credit unit semester is 3, consisit of 2 hour =100 minutes in-class lecures and 3 hour = 180 minutes off-class practical topic of lectures per week for 14 weeks.