
A popular article has been published: “Public Policy for Realizing Social Justice”

The use of science for policy can be a source of injustice. So, according to the context, “scientific evidence” is not the only source of “truth”. In their book Local Knowledge Matters: Power, Context and Policy Making in Indonesia, Nugroho et al. (2018) mention several findings that are relevant to this statement.

Knowledge also will not run out because it is used. It increases as it continues to be used. The problem is that knowledge scarcity can be intentionally created through forced circumstances. Namely conditions without social justice <HK>

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Student  Creativity Program (PKM) is an activity hosted by the Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia in facilitating the potential of Indonesian students to study, develop, and apply science and technology that had learned in lectures to the general public. The activities of the Student Creativity Program (PKM) were carried out for a few months that have been implemented since January 2021. The number of proposals IPB gets in on the SIM PKM is as much as 1220 proposals from 10 PKM. The tenth PKM includes Scientific Articles (PKM-AI), Written Ideas (PKM-GT), Karsa Cipta (PKM-KC), Innovative Work (PKM-KI), The Application of Science and Technology (PKM-PI), The Idea of Futuristic and Constructive (PKM-GFK), Entrepreneurship (PKM-K), Research Science (PKM-RE), Community Service (PKM-PM), and Social Research in the Humanities (PKM-RSH).

From the 1220 proposal PKM IPB entrance, nine groups from the Department of Forest Management (MNH), Faculty of Forestry and Environment IPB were passed funded by DIKTI. Nine of the group consists of four generations: MNH54, MNH55, MNH56, and MNH57. They were: 1) the group which is chaired by Shyfa Syalsyabila (MNH 55) by PKM-AI titled “Social Capital and the Potential Development of the Results of the Mangrove Forest As a Natural Dye Fabric Typical of Indonesia”, then there were four groups of PKM-PM which is 2) chaired by Etrin Herabadi Sanjaya (MNH 55) with the title “New Era of Skills: Creating Young Entrepreneurs Zilenial in Order to Decrease the Number of Unemployed Vocational School Students”, 3) Nurafni Natasya (MNH 55) with the title of “Empowerment housewife On Home Vegetative Ornamental Plants in Order to Improve the Welfare of the Village Community Sipungguk, Kampar regency, Riau”, 4) the Imam Mujaddid (MNH 55) with the title “Play to Learn with Observation Method: Learning Effective When the Pandemic of Covid-19 On Students in Elementary School”, and 5) Censa Amelia Febriyanti (MNH 57) with the title “Strengthening the Character, Culture, Intellectual For Kids Correctional institution in Coaching Institute Special Anak Bandung to Create Entrepreneurial Zilenial Pengentas Poverty”.

The next group of PKM-K was chaired by Naifa Sa’diyya (MNH 56) with the title “ “PouCa” Product Innovation Cookies and Hand Sanitizer Sapodilla Butter (Poutearia Campechiana) in the Era of the New Normal”. The next was Christian Adi Prabowo (MNH 55) who is the chairman of the group PKM-PI entitled “the Development of the Agribusiness System of Honey Based on Local Wisdom In Bee Farmer Village Joho”. The last two groups PKM-RSH were chaired by Yuda Solar Prakoso (MNH 55) with the title “the Phenomenon of “Mandatory Mask” in The Pandemic Covid-19 and its Influence On the Level of Anxiety” and the group of Muhammad Sabilal (MNH 54) which is where the title of the PKM his “Legal Protection of Wildlife is Protected Confiscated The Illegal Trade in foreign Affairs”.

The 8 groups of 5 types of PKM proceed to the next stage, namely PIMNAS. Hopefully, the seventh such group can be passed to PIMNAS and get the knowledge as well as learning about the science that has been established in the university.

Congrats!! Students of Department of Forest Management Goes to the 34th PIMNAS

Tuesday, September 28th, 2021, was very special because five PKM teams from the Department of Forest Management passed through various stages until success to the final stage, called PIMNAS. PIMNAS, which stands for Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional or National Students Science Week, is a series of activities that are inseparable from the implementation of the Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa or Student Creativity Program at the national level. All teams that enter PIMNAS are the teams with the highest scores in Penilaian Kegiatan Pelaksanaan PKM (PKP2) or Assessment of PKM Implementation Activities. This year is the 34th PIMNAS in collaboration with the University of Sumatera Utara is the host. The entire PKM team from IPB is currently carrying out the quarantine process organized by IPB. In the quarantine process, all teams will be prepared to be able to give their best during PIMNAS later. Five of the sixty-six IPB PKM teams that passed PIMNAS are from the Department of Forest Management. The five teams are divided into two types of PKM: PKM PM and PKM RSH. PKM PM stands for Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Pengabdian Masyarakat or Student Creativity Program: Community Service and PKM RSH stands for Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Riset Sosial Humaniora or Student Creativity Program: Social Research in Humanities.

The first team from Forest Management Departemen led by Yuda Surya Prakoso is the PKM team from PKM RSH with the title “The “Mandatory Mask” Phenomenon during the Covid-19 Pandemic and Its Effect on Anxiety Levels”. Yuda with his three friends from the same departemen named Novandi Aldi Sadewa, Ajeng Pujianti and Ariana Amany Jinan. The second team from the same type of PKM with the title “Legal Protection of Wildlife Protected from Confiscation of Illegal Trade Abroad” is led by Muhammad Sabilal Muhajirin. Sabilal is accompanied by Intan Wahda Nurlia who is also a student from the Department of Forest Management.

Censa Amelia Febriyanti is the leader of the third team with the PKM PM type with the title “Strengthening Character, Culture, and Intellectuals for Children in Correctional Institutions at Bandung Children’s Special Guidance Institute to Create Poverty Eradication Entrepreneurs”. Censa’s members from the Department of Forest Management are Hasna Sri Aprilianti and Hammam Al Hakim. The fourth team was led by Etrin Herabadi Sunjaya for PKM PM. Etrin and her two members, Penza Lindiani and Abdur Rohman Awwab, are students from the same department with the title “New Era Skill: Creating Young Zillenial Entrepreneurs to Reduce the Unemployment Rate of Vocational School Students”. The last team from PKM PM, led by Nurafni Natasya with the title “Empowerment of Housewives in Vegetative Houses for Ornamental Plants to Improve the Welfare of the People of Sipungguk Village, Kampar Regency, Riau”. Tasya accompanied by Muhammad Kanzun Nafis and Sopha Erna Ariyana.

All Forest Management Department students who pass will undergo quarantine and make a lot of preparations until the peak, namely the 34th PIMNAS in 2021 which will be held online from 26 to 30 October 2021. Congratulation!! Good luck in the competition.


General Lecture from the National Programe Management Unit of Forest and Climate Change Program – Financial Cooperation (FORCLIME FC)

Students from the Department of Forest Management (DMNH), Faculty of Forestry and Environment IPB University studied forestry investment from Forclime FC (Forest and Climate Change Program – Financial Cooperation) in the General Lecture on Analysis of Forestry Investments, (18/2). Forclime FC is a long-term cooperation program between the governments of Germany and Indonesia.

According to the Head of the Department of Forest Management, Dr. Muhdin, forestry investment activities are now increasingly challenging. So DMNH held the Analysis of Forestry Investments Course (MK. AIK) as an elective course to give students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge related to forestry investment.

To create a collaborative and participatory class, in addition to using conventional teaching methods and case studies, the MK. AIK applies the Problem Based-Learning (PBL) method, where students study together in groups to find solutions to the real problem in the world (real-world problems) and Project Based-Learning (PjBL). Students learn through real problems in the real world that are raised into scenarios and learning activities, either by applying case-solving methods or team-based projects.

“For this reason, we invite forestry practitioners to share lessons related to forestry investment activities. Forclime FC has activities and experience in efforts to reduce greenhouse gases through sustainable forest management and improving the economic welfare of communities around the forest. So that it can be used as material and discussion, as well as broaden the choice of topics that can be taken by student groups in working on PBL/PjBL-based assignments,” he added.

Resource persons included the Head of the Planning Bureau of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia as the Executing Agency Program, Dr. Ayu Dewi Utari, and the Forclime FC team represented by Ir Basoeki Karyaatmadja, MSc as Team Leader Progam and Drs IGNN Sutedja, MM as District Team Leader Kapuas Hulu.

On this occasion, Ir Basoeki conveyed the progress of Forclime-FC’s main activities about the results, lessons learned, experiences program in the context of reducing emissions, improving community welfare, and improving sustainable forest management, particularly related to forestry investment activities in Kapuas Hulu.

“Improving community welfare is important in supporting other main activities. With the emergence of a sense of mutual need between the community and the forest, the forest will be maintained and sustainable,” he said.

Several programs to improve community welfare are carried out regularly by involving the local community. Such as community capacity building, institutional strengthening, development of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs), and social forestry. The program continues to be developed because it has proven to have a positive impact on the community both from an economic and social perspective, thereby reducing the risk of forest destruction by the community.