Welcome to Department of Forest Management

Faculty of Forestry

At FVW, reforestation means more than “just” planting trees. Hence, they are advancing the process of community development by conducting research and projects for educational purposes, which will be carried out in collaboration with the Faculty of Forestry and Environment, IPB University. With the signing of the memorandum of understanding by Rayanansi (Country Director of […]
Students from the Department of Forest Management (DMNH), Faculty of Forestry and Environment IPB University studied forestry investment from Forclime FC (Forest and Climate Change Program – Financial Cooperation) in the General Lecture on Analysis of Forestry Investments, (18/2). Forclime FC is a long-term cooperation program between the governments of Germany and Indonesia. According to […]
Tuesday, September 28th, 2021, was very special because five PKM teams from the Department of Forest Management passed through various stages until success to the final stage, called PIMNAS. PIMNAS, which stands for Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional or National Students Science Week, is a series of activities that are inseparable from the implementation of the Program Kreativitas […]
Student  Creativity Program (PKM) is an activity hosted by the Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia in facilitating the potential of Indonesian students to study, develop, and apply science and technology that had learned in lectures to the general public. The activities of the Student Creativity Program (PKM) were carried out for a […]
Hi JMHT Friends! Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika (JMHT) and Faculty of Forestry and Environment, IPB University collaborate with RG 3.07.00 IUFRO and Universiti Putra Malaysia proudly present International Webinar for the Topic “Forest Operations and Climate Change: The RIL-C Approach” Welcoming Speech 1. Dr. Ir. Naresworo Nugroho, MS (Dean of Faculty of Forestry and Environment, […]
Historians have interpreted the various forms of human struggle for survival. Not only individuals, but also collectives, both locally, nationally and globally. Threats to human existence come from various forms: violence, war, to natural disasters. Violence and war have even become one way of fighting over natural resources (Lele, 2008). Violence, war, or disaster is […]
Welcome to the Department of Forest Management ♥ Undergraduate (BSc) Program in Forest Management ♥ Master and Doctoral Programs in Forest Management Sciences. Mahtuf Ikhsan: The 20-year-old student of Forest Management Bachelor Program who has visited 20 countries. What makes a difference in each individual’s life? – Purpose and Impact. Be inspired with the story of […]
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Gunung Walat Educational Forest (GWEF)

Department of Forest Management
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email : manhut@ipb.ac.id or manhut@apps.ipb.ac.id
website : https://manhut.ipb.ac.id/en


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