Course Structure & Design

Courses Structure:

Syllabus or Course Design can been seen by clicking the Course Codes on Table.

NoCourse CodeCourse NameCourse CSU
1st Semester19 CSU
3IPB107Introduction to Agriculture2(2-0)
4MAT100Introduction to Mathematics3(2-2)
7EKO100General Economics3(2-3)
2nd Semester19 CSU
8IPB111Pancasila (Basic Indonesian Ideology)2(1-2)
10IPB112Sport and Art*)1(0-3)
13KPM130General Sociology3(2-2)
14AGB100Introduction to Entrepreneurship1(1-0)
15KSH201Bio-resources Conservation2(2-0)
16MNH201Introduction to Forestry Science and Environmental Ethic2(2-0)
3rd Semester20 CSU
17STK211Statistical Methods3(2-3)
19TSL203Introduction to Soil Science3(3-0)
21KPM210Basic Communication3(2-3)
22MNH211Geodesy and Cartography3(2-3)
23MNH291Scientific Writing Methods2(1-2)
4th Semester21 CSU
24MAN101Introduction to Management3(3-0)
25SVK212Forest Ecology3(2-3)
26SVK232Forest Protection3(2-3)
27HHT201Forest Products as Raw Materials2(2-0)
28HHT202Forest Product Processing2(2-0)
29MNH212Forest Resource Inventory3(2-3)
30MNH322Forestry Policy and Legislation2(2-0)
31FHT200Field Forestry Practices3
5th Semester18 CSU
33MNH313Forest Resources Inventory Techniques3(2-3)
34MNH341Forest Hydrology3(2-3)
35MNH316Forest Biometrics3(2-3)
36MNH323Community Forestry3(2-3)
37MNH331Forest Harvesting3(2-3)
38Elective Lectures**
6th Semester22 CSU
39MNH315Remote Sensing and GIS for Forestry3(2-3)
40MNH327Forest Management Economics3(3-0)
41MNH324Forestry Business2(2-0)
42MNH325Private Forest Management2(2-0)
43MNH332Forest Opening3(2-3)
44MNH317Integrated Watershed Management3(2-3)
45MNH314Forest Management3(2-3)
46MNH403Thematic Field Work3
7th Semester11 CSU
47MNH425Forest Valuation3(2-3)
48MNH426Forestry Policy Analysis2(2-0)
49MNH433Forest Utilization Operation3(2-3)
50MNH434Forest Management Cost Analysis3(2-3)
51Elective Lectures**
8th Semester7 CSU

Notes:  *) CSU is not considered for GPA

**) Elective/supporting courses are chosen to fulfill the minimum CSU requirement (144 CSU)

Course codes MNHxxx: compulsory courses for student of BSc Program in Forest Management and called as Major Courses of BSc in Forest Management; HHTxxx, KSHxxx, and SVKxxx: compulsory courses not only for student of BSc Program in Forest Management, but also for Student of BSc Program of Faculty of Forestry and those are called as Inter-department Courses; Others Course Codes: compulsory Basic and General Courses for student of Program of BSc in Forest Management.


Elective Courses

1.MNH221Forestry Tenure2(2-0)
2.MNH429Forestry Accounting3(2-3)
3.MNH333Forest Ergonomics3(2-3)
4.MNH428Forestry Investment Analysis3(2-3)
5.MNH418Forest Planning3(2-3)
6.MNH419Basic Modelling for Forestry and Landscape3(2-3)
8.SVK333Forestry Pest3(2-3)
9.SVK335Forest Fire3(2-3)
10.SVK323Sylviculture for Natural Forest3(2-3)
11.Other lectures related to forest management offered by other Departments

Note:    CSU of 3(2-3) means, the credit unit semester is 3, consisit of 2 hour =100 minutes in-class lecures and 3 hour = 180 minutes off-class practical topic of lectures per week for 14 weeks.