Congrats!! Students of Department of Forest Management Goes to the 34th PIMNAS

Tuesday, September 28th, 2021, was very special because five PKM teams from the Department of Forest Management passed through various stages until success to the final stage, called PIMNAS. PIMNAS, which stands for Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional or National Students Science Week, is a series of activities that are inseparable from the implementation of the Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa or Student Creativity Program at the national level. All teams that enter PIMNAS are the teams with the highest scores in Penilaian Kegiatan Pelaksanaan PKM (PKP2) or Assessment of PKM Implementation Activities. This year is the 34th PIMNAS in collaboration with the University of Sumatera Utara is the host. The entire PKM team from IPB is currently carrying out the quarantine process organized by IPB. In the quarantine process, all teams will be prepared to be able to give their best during PIMNAS later. Five of the sixty-six IPB PKM teams that passed PIMNAS are from the Department of Forest Management. The five teams are divided into two types of PKM: PKM PM and PKM RSH. PKM PM stands for Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Pengabdian Masyarakat or Student Creativity Program: Community Service and PKM RSH stands for Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Riset Sosial Humaniora or Student Creativity Program: Social Research in Humanities.

The first team from Forest Management Departemen led by Yuda Surya Prakoso is the PKM team from PKM RSH with the title “The “Mandatory Mask” Phenomenon during the Covid-19 Pandemic and Its Effect on Anxiety Levels”. Yuda with his three friends from the same departemen named Novandi Aldi Sadewa, Ajeng Pujianti and Ariana Amany Jinan. The second team from the same type of PKM with the title “Legal Protection of Wildlife Protected from Confiscation of Illegal Trade Abroad” is led by Muhammad Sabilal Muhajirin. Sabilal is accompanied by Intan Wahda Nurlia who is also a student from the Department of Forest Management.

Censa Amelia Febriyanti is the leader of the third team with the PKM PM type with the title “Strengthening Character, Culture, and Intellectuals for Children in Correctional Institutions at Bandung Children’s Special Guidance Institute to Create Poverty Eradication Entrepreneurs”. Censa’s members from the Department of Forest Management are Hasna Sri Aprilianti and Hammam Al Hakim. The fourth team was led by Etrin Herabadi Sunjaya for PKM PM. Etrin and her two members, Penza Lindiani and Abdur Rohman Awwab, are students from the same department with the title “New Era Skill: Creating Young Zillenial Entrepreneurs to Reduce the Unemployment Rate of Vocational School Students”. The last team from PKM PM, led by Nurafni Natasya with the title “Empowerment of Housewives in Vegetative Houses for Ornamental Plants to Improve the Welfare of the People of Sipungguk Village, Kampar Regency, Riau”. Tasya accompanied by Muhammad Kanzun Nafis and Sopha Erna Ariyana.

All Forest Management Department students who pass will undergo quarantine and make a lot of preparations until the peak, namely the 34th PIMNAS in 2021 which will be held online from 26 to 30 October 2021. Congratulation!! Good luck in the competition.


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