MNH744 Forest Ecosystem Business Policy 2(2-0)

This course contains philosophy, formulation and analysis of forest ecosystem business public policies and their impacts; presents methods of analysis and synthesis of forestry business policies, covering aspects of regulation, administration, fiscal policy, monetary and other sectors related to forestry. This course emphasizes the discussion of the objectives of multi-business utilization of forest resources; value chain; strategic issues in the company’s external and internal environment for ecosystem business policy-making; identification of various forms of strategy to the evaluation of forest ecosystem business strategies. The impact of the implementation of government policies on the forestry goods and services industry.

Coordinator: Prof Hariadi Kartodihardjo

Members: Prof Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat; Prof Bramasto Nugroho; Dr. Yulius Hero

MNH745 Forestry Business Management 3(3-0)

This course discusses the concept of forestry business management with multiple products and multi-stakeholder interests with the development of corporate governance, product planning and portfolio, production planning and control, financial management and capital markets, human resource management, challenges and marketing strategies.

Coordinator: Prof Hardjanto

Members: Prof Dudung Darusman; Prof Bramasto Nugroho; Dr Bahruni

MNH746 Forestry Multibusiness Decision Making 3(3-0)

This course discusses decision theory to determine the optimal course of action on a number of available alternatives and the consequences that cannot be predicted with certainty. This course will use quantitative models for problem solving and decision-making. Theories and models that will be discussed include probability theory, utility theory and game theory, linear programming models, non-linear programming models, multi-purpose and multi-criteria programming.

Coordinator: Dr. M Buce Saleh.

Members: Prof Sudarsono Soedomo; Dr Budi Kuncahyo; Dr Tatang Tiryana