Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Budiaman, M.Sc.F.Trop

Forest Harvesting, Waste Management of Forest Harvesting & Forest Opening Up

Dr. Ir. Bahruni, MS

Forestry Economics, Management and Environment

Dr. Ir. Budi Kuncahyo, MS

Forest Biometrics

Dr. Ir. Gunawan Santosa, MS

Timber Forest Product Harvesting, Ergonomics & Cost Analysis of Forest Harvesting

Dr. Handian Purwawangsa, S.Hut., M.Si

Socio-Economics of Forestry

Dr. Ir. Hendrayanto, M.Agr.Sc

Forest Hidrology & Watershed Management

Dr. Ir. Iin Ichwandi, M.Sc.F.Trop

Forestry Intitution

Dr. Ir. Leti Sundawati, M.Sc.F.Trop

Socio-Economics of Forestry

Dr. Ir. Muhdin, M.Sc.F.Trop

Forest Resource Inventory, Forest Biometrics & Forest Planning

Dr. Dra. Nining Puspaningsih, M.Si

GIS & Remote Sensing

Dr. Ir. Soni Trison, S.Hut, M.Si., IPU

Social Forestry

Dr. Tatang Tiryana, S.Hut., M.Sc.

Forest Resource Inventory, Forest Biometrics & Forest Planning

Dr. Ir. Teddy Rusolono, MS

Forest Biometrics & Forest Planning

Dr. Ujang Suwarna, S.Hut., M.Sc.F.Trop

Forest Harvesting Planning

Dra. Sri Rahaju, M.Si

GIS & Remote Sensing

Fitta Setiajiati, S.Hut., M.Si

Socio-Economics of Forestry

Priyanto, S.Hut., M.Si

Forest Inventory

Prof. Dr. Ir. Bramasto Nugroho, MS

Forestry Institution

Prof. Dr. Ir. Didik Suharjito, MS

Community Forestry & Antropology Ecology

Prof. Dr. Ir. Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat, M.Sc.F.Trop

Forest Economics & Forest Policy

Prof. Dr. Efi Yuliati Yovi, S.Hut., M.Life.Env.Sc

Ergonomics & Forest Harvesting

Prof. Dr. Ir. Elias

Forest Opening Up, Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) & Cost Analysis of Forest Harvesting

Prof. Dr. Ir. Hardjanto, MS

Forest Economics

Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Purnomo, M.Comp

Modeling, Simulation of Forestry & Landscape

Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nengah Surati Jaya, M.Agr

Forest Resource Inventory, GIS/Remote Sensing

Prof. Dr. Ir. Juang Rata Matangaran, MS

Forest Harvesting & Forest Machine

Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Buce Saleh, MS

Forest Planning & GIS/Remote Sensing

Prof. Dr. Ir. Sudarsono Soedomo, MS., MPPA

Forest Resource Economics

Qori Pebrial Ilham, S.Hut., M.Si

Forest Planning



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