Faculty Member of Forestry Planning Division






Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nengah Surati Jaya, M.Agr
Forest Resource Inventory, GIS/Remote Sensing
IPB-University (BSc), Niigata University, Japan (MSc, Dr)
Publications: Scopus, Sinta, GoogleScholar, ResearchGates





Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Purnomo, M.Comp
Modeling and Simulation of Forestry and Landscape
IPB University (BSc, Dr), University of Indonesia (MSc)
Publications: Scopus, Sinta, GoogleScholar, ResearchGates





Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Buce Saleh, MS
Associate Professor
Forest Planning, GIS/Remote Sensing
IPB University (BSc), Institut Teknologi Bandung (MSc), Niigata University, Japan (Dr)
Publications: Scopus, Sinta, GoogleScholar, ResearchGate





Dr. Ir. Hendrayanto, M.Agr
Associate Professor
Forest Hidrology, Watershed ManagementI
IPB University (BSc), Kyoto University, Japan (MSc, Dr)
Publications: Scopus, Sinta, GoogleScholar, ResearchGates





Dr. Ir. Muhdin, M.Sc.Forest.Trop
Associate Professor
Forest Resource Inventory, Forest Biometrics, Forest Planning
IPB University (BSc, Dr), University of Goettingen, Germany (MSc)
Publications: Scopus, Sinta, GoogleScholar, ResearchGates





Dr. Ir. Teddy Rusolono, MS
Assistant Professor
Forest Biometrics, Forest Planning
IPB University (BSc, MSc, Dr)
Publications: Scopus, Sinta, GoogleScholar, ResearchGates





Dra. Sri Rahaju, M.Si
Assistant Professor
GIS and Remote Sensing
University of Gadjah Mada (BSc, MSc)
Publications: Scopus, Sinta, GoogleScholar, ResearchGates





Dr. Nining Puspaningsih, M.Si
Assistant Professor
GIS and Remote Sensing IPB University (MSc, Dr), University of Gadjah Mada (BSc)
Publications: Scopus, Sinta, GoogleScholar, ResearchGates





Dr. Tatang Tiryana, S.Hut, M.Sc
Assistant Professor
Forest Inventory, Forest Biometrics, Forest Planning
IPB University (BSc), International Institute for Geo-information and Earth Observation (ITC, MSc), The University of Tokyo, Japan (Dr)
Publications: Scopus, Sinta, GoogleScholar, ResearchGates





Priyanto, S.Hut, M.Si
Assistant Professor
Forest Inventory
IPB University (BSc, MSc)
Publications: Scopus, Sinta, GoogleScholar, ResearchGates





Qori Pebrial Ilham, S.Hut, M.Si
Forest Planning
IPB University (BSc, MSc)
Publications: Scopus, Sinta, GoogleScholar, ResearchGates


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