
Head of Department

Dr. Soni Trison, S.Hut, M.Si., IPU

Secretary of Department

Qori Pebrial Ilham, S.Hut, M.Si

Forestry Planning Division

Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nengah Surajati Jaya, M.Agr

Forestry Policy Division

Dr. Ir. Bahruni, MS

Forest Resource Utilization Division

Prof. Dr. Ir. Elias

Graduate Program in Forest Management Studies

Dr. Ir. Hendrayanto, M.Agr.Sc

Dr. Tatang Tiryana, S.Hut, M.Sc

Undergraduate Program in Forest Management

Dr. Soni Trison, S.Hut, M.Si

Qori Pebrial Ilham, S.Hut, M.Si

Education Comitee of the Departmen of Forest Management

Dra. Sri Rahaju, M.Si

Priyanto, S.Hut, M.Si

Student and Alumni Discipline Commission of DMNH

Dr. Ir. Muhdin, M.Sc.Forest.Trop

Dr. Ir. Iin Ichwandi, M.Sc.F.Trop


Ria Kodariah, S.Si

Saepul Rohim & Achmad Fatoni

Meli Sumarni & Riksawati

Ria Kodariah, S.Si & Supriatna

Afiat Febriansyah, S.Komp



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